Символизм красного цвета “red/ qizil” в английском и каракалпакском языках

  • Докторант, Нукусский государственный педагогический институт имени Ажинияза



Ключевые слова

символика цвета / красный / английский / каракалпакский / культурная символика / лингвистический анализ / метафора / идиомы / сравнительное языкознание / когниция / язык и культура


        This study explores the symbolism of the color "red" in English and "qızıl" in Karakalpak languages, examining both universal and culture-specific meanings. Through a comparative analysis of linguistic, cultural, and historical sources, the research investigates how the color red serves as a symbol of vitality, power, and strong emotions across these languages. While both English and Karakalpak associate red with love, danger, and passion, significant cultural differences emerge in the way the color is symbolized. In English, red is linked to both positive and negative connotations, reflecting individual emotions and societal warnings. In contrast, in Karakalpak culture, red primarily conveys positive symbolism, associated with prosperity, vitality, and communal joy, especially in the context of celebrations and rituals. The study highlights the interplay between language, culture, and cognition, demonstrating that while color terms share cognitive roots, their symbolic meanings are shaped by the cultural values and traditions of each language. The findings contribute to the broader understanding of how color influences language and communication and invite further research on cross-linguistic color symbolism.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Аметова, А. 2025. Символизм красного цвета “red/ qizil” в английском и каракалпакском языках. Зарубежная лингвистика и лингводидактика. 3, 1 (янв. 2025), 65–73. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47689/2181-3701-vol3-iss1-pp65-73.