DOIКлючевые слова
образование / стандарты / технологии / графические органайзеры / дизайн / интерактивные методы обучения / химия / иллюстративные методыАннотация
В данной статье анализируются все самые современные интерактивные методы обучения, в частности, графические органайзеры в виде кластера, классификационная таблица, Т-образная диаграмма, диаграммы KWL и метод пирамид на уроках химии в общеобразовательных школах. Анализируется их функциональная структура, способы практического применения на уроках, а также концептуальное содержание описанных иллюстративных методов обучения, которые помогут лучше усваивать новый учебный материал не только по предмету «Химия», но и по любому учебному предмету и дисциплин в системе образования в целом.
Библиографические ссылки
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 29, 2019 "On science and scientific activity" No. ORQ-576.
Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Miziyoyev. “On measures to introduce the principles of management into the system of higher and secondary special education”. Marifat newspaper, July 13, 2019, No. 54
Decision of President Shavkat Mirziyoev "On measures to increase the quality of continuous education and the effectiveness of science in the fields of chemistry and biology" on August 12, 2020,
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On innovative activities" No. ORQ-630 July 24, 2020
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 29, 2020 No. PF-6097 "On approval of the concept of development of science until 2030".
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Khudoynazarova G.A., Sattorova G.T. Using graphic organizers in teaching chemistry. B.374-375
Yuldasheva Sh.J., Ismatova N.N. "Innovations and best practices in teaching chemical technology". Republic-wide scientific-practical conference on "Innovation - the conceptual basis of modernization". December 2016. B.98 -100
Karimova D.A., Jumaeva E.Sh. "Use of innovative methods and chemical chemistry". December 2016. B.186 -187
Karimova D.A., Karimova Z.U. "Using innovative educational technologies in teaching natural sciences" December 2016. B.188 -189
Botyrova S.R. "Using new innovative methods in assessing students' knowledge" December 2016. B.195-198.
Ahadov M.Sh., Khalilova L.M. "Using innovative educational technologies in teaching inorganic chemistry" December 2016. B.198-200
Usmonova L.M., Nematov Z.Z. "Effective use of teaching aids in chemistry teaching", December 2016. B. 291-292
Usmonova L.M., Avazova N.N. "The role of using modern educational technologies in chemistry classes" December 2016. B.293-295
Kholov H.M., Teshayeva N.Sh. "Using new pedagogical technologies in teaching the subject of expressing solutions and their concentrations in the 7th grade chemistry course" December 2016.B. 295-297
Khudoyorova E.A. "The role of using interactive methods in teaching chemistry". December 2016.B. 297-298
Halimova R.S., Halimova D.S. "The importance of didactic games in increasing the effectiveness of the quality of education (in the case of chemistry)" This collection, December 2016. B.305-310
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