Main types of verbal aggression in English and Uzbek languages

  • Navoi State Pedagogical Institute



violence / hostility / emotion / excitement / verbal / non-verbal / aggressive behavior / direct aggression / anger / disgust / rage


This article highlights key aspects of verbal and nonverbal aggression, including their main characteristics, types and scientific opinions. Aggressive behavior that arises during communication, its motivation and goals, as well as the role of the speaker from a psychological and social point of view, as reflected in actions aimed at achieving certain goals, using the example of foreign and Uzbek literature are analyzed. The article also examines the characteristics of people who show aggression from a socio-psychopathological point of view and studies the characteristics of aggressive behavior in speech, including aggressive statements, gestures, changes in facial expressions and eye expression.


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How to Cite

Mukhamadiev , A. 2024. Main types of verbal aggression in English and Uzbek languages. Foreign Linguistics and Lingvodidactics. 2, 1 (Feb. 2024), 104–110. DOI:



Linguistics and intercultural communication