The main criteria for the development of healthy spiritual competition in the era of globalism

  • base doctoral student of Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan



globalism / competition / healthy spiritual competition / social environment / justice / tolerance / moral qualities / Kindness / Harmony


This article provides an overview of globalism, which is widely used today as a scientific term and plays an important role in the later life of mankind, as well as its consequences. There is a reflection on the importance of the global environment in the formation and development of spiritual competition. In society, globalism is considered as the power to form a healthy or unhealthy spiritual competition. In the era of globalisation, measures have been taken to ensure information security, use and protection of the Internet system. Philosophical analysis of the causes and consequences of moral retreat in economic, political and spiritual spheres has been made. The forms of spiritual competition that arise as a result of the moral views of people, are illuminated about its components. The views of a healthy spiritual competition are described, the main attributes of which are changing due to the modern demand for it.


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How to Cite

Abbasova , M. 2021. The main criteria for the development of healthy spiritual competition in the era of globalism. Society and Innovation. 2, 7/S (Aug. 2021), 196–203. DOI: