Procedural grounds for conducting a search and investigative action

  • Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Independent applicant, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan



investigative action / search / investigator / prosecutor / judge / decision / sanction


This article discusses the factual and legal grounds for conducting the investigative action of the search, its content, and the opinions of scientists who conducted research on this issue. The purpose of the search at the stage of pre-trial proceedings in the case and its legal consequences are considered. The article also provides a detailed analysis of the sentence “wanted person”, provided for in Article 158 of the CPC, in accordance with Articles 55 and 66 of the CPC. It is indicated that, although the witness is obliged to be present when summoned by the investigator, granting him the status of a “wanted person” makes it impossible to conduct a search investigative action in his home in order to find him. The necessity of establishing sufficiently stringent requirements for the actual grounds for conducting a search is substantiated, taking into account the fact that a search is a serious interference in the private life of citizens, closely related to the restriction of their constitutional rights. It is noted that the conduct of a search is mandatory and requires taking into account the high significance of this investigative action.


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How to Cite

Murodov , B. and Khomidov , V. 2023. Procedural grounds for conducting a search and investigative action. Society and Innovation. 4, 2/S (Feb. 2023), 402–411. DOI: