Some problems of classifying measures within the framework of the mechanism of limitation of individual rights in pre-trial proceedings

  • Independent researcher, University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan



restriction of individual rights / coercive measures / investigative actions / investigator / interrogator / prosecutor / court


The article sets out new mechanisms, types of classification of procedural coercive measures, and investigative actions related to the limitation of the constitutional rights of existing persons in criminal-procedural legislation. Also, specific proposals for contradictions, legal loopholes, and elimination of certain existing ones in criminal-procedural legislation regarding coercive measures and investigative actions related to restrictions on individual rights are described.


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How to Cite

Kobulov , B. 2023. Some problems of classifying measures within the framework of the mechanism of limitation of individual rights in pre-trial proceedings. Society and Innovation. 4, 3/S (May 2023), 9–18. DOI: