Notes on the defensive wall of Akhsikat in the first quarter of the XIII century (based on materials from excavations at sites XVIII и XIX)

  • Basic doctoral student, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. National Archaeological Center
  • Scientific Researcher, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. National Archaeological Center



Fergana / Akhsikat / Karakhanids / Khorezmshakhs / stages of formation / defensive wall / pakhsa / mud brick / bricklaying technique / ceramic complex


The article provides information about the ancient city of Akhsikat, one of the largest cities in the Fergana Valley, about the defensive wall built during the time of the Khorezmshahs. It also explains the stages of the formation of powerful defensive walls built in Akhsikat from ancient times to the first quarter of the XIII century, the features of the walls at these stages, construction techniques, and materials. In addition, the economic, political, and military reasons for the construction of defensive walls at each stage are shown. The article focuses on the reasons for the construction of the defensive wall, the technique of its construction, and the military-political situation of the last period of the city of Akhsikat. The archaeological features of the defensive wall of the inner city, built in the first quarter of the XIII century, were revealed mainly as a result of excavations at the XVIII and XIX sites of Axikat. Information is also provided on the state of preservation of this defensive wall and adjacent finds that testify to its era, that is, pottery items.


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How to Cite

Arslanov , B. and Omanov , S. 2023. Notes on the defensive wall of Akhsikat in the first quarter of the XIII century (based on materials from excavations at sites XVIII и XIX) . Society and Innovation. 4, 10/S (Dec. 2023), 275–284. DOI: