Problems of formation of socio-cultural competence in the system of professional competence of students

  • PhD doktorant, Sharof Rashidov nomidagi Samarqand davlat universiteti Samarqand, O‘zbekiston



socio-culturology / professional competence / cultural approach / cognitive function / linguistic approach / communicative activity


Our scientific article talks about problems in the formation of students’ professional competence and socio-cultural competence. Socio-cultural competence is an integral characteristic of a person, which is expressed by the presence of tolerance and open attitude toward representatives of different language communities, his theoretical and practical readiness for socio-cultural activities, and a personally conscious positive attitude towards him. It is important to have deep and solid knowledge, skills, and experience aimed at effectively solving specific professional tasks in the context of intercultural communication. Socio-cultural competence helps effective intercultural communication, allows to understand the emotional and cognitive characteristics of another nation and prevents the formation of the ideology of national exclusivity. The formation of socio-cultural competence helps to realize one's own value, to understand all aspects of one’s own culture, to compare it with the culture and language of another nation.


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How to Cite

Kodirov, U. 2023. Problems of formation of socio-cultural competence in the system of professional competence of students. Society and Innovation. 4, 1/S (Jan. 2023), 154–160. DOI: