Influence of psycho-emotional stress of children on the state of health of the oral cavity

  • Samarkand State Medical University Samarkand city, Uzbekistan



dental appointments / dental phobia / maternal influence / theories of anxiety


This article discusses the fact that not every dentist is equipped to work with children. The issue here is not solely a matter of qualifications. Children constitute a unique category of patients who require a specialized approach. While some practitioners can easily communicate with young patients, others struggle. Dental anxiety can lead to undesirable outcomes such as refusal of treatment and heightened stress among children, which subsequently affects the quality of care. Parents, particularly mothers, often play a significant role in their children's upbringing and in shaping health-related behaviors. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of maternal dental anxiety and oral hygiene on their children. Anxiety is a neurotic syndrome characterized by children's difficulty in articulating feelings of internal restlessness, fear, and even panic, which leads to physiological and behavioral disorders due to motor tension and autonomic hyperactivity. Both adults and children commonly experience anxiety and fear in dental clinical practice. Dental anxiety is also characterized as intense fear and worry, stemming from concerns that the patient will experience harm or an unfamiliar procedure outside of their control, as well as from previous negative dental experiences.


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How to Cite

Ortikova , N. 2023. Influence of psycho-emotional stress of children on the state of health of the oral cavity. Society and Innovation. 4, 7/S (Aug. 2023), 328–333. DOI: