Features of the components of the formation of mathematical creative thinking of primary school students through solving problems with abscissa and ordinate connections

  • Senior Teacher, Urgench State University




issue / solution / problem / creative idea / educational technologies / logic / perception / abilities / memory / attitude / reasoning / reflection


The article discusses the methods of formation of mathematical creative thinking in primary school students through solving problems with abscissa and ordinate coordinates. The didactic principles of the development of mathematical thinking in the context of interdisciplinary connections are also studied.


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How to Cite

Khudayberganov , G. 2023. Features of the components of the formation of mathematical creative thinking of primary school students through solving problems with abscissa and ordinate connections. Society and Innovation. 4, 7/S (Aug. 2023), 339–343. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47689/2181-1415-vol4-iss7/S-pp339-343.