The role of students' independent work when studying the subject of microbiology, virology and immunology

  • Bukhara State Medical University named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Bukhara, Uzbekistan



subject / discipline / training / students / independent work / education / university / immersion / multimedia / presentation


The subject of microbiology, virology, and immunology (MV&I) in a medical higher educational institution (HEI) belongs to theoretical disciplines. It has its own specifics because combines natural science and clinical disciplines. At the same time, the independent work of students (IWS) in this subject is an important stage in teaching students as an additional component of basic theoretical education. The aim of the work was to improve the quality of knowledge and cognitive activity of students by means of IWS.    Thematic immersion of students in the MV&I sections, interactive methods, and quizzes in a competitive form between two students, dedicated to the current topic "AIDS – the plague of the XX–XXI centuries", as well as multimedia presentations in the process of mastering the MV&I subject at our department is an innovative approach to teaching students. As part of extracurricular work, students study current topics of medical MV&I that are not included in the lecture and practical course and prepare oral reports using multimedia presentations. For example, in the current academic year, the following topics were reported and discussed in practical classes: “Robert Koch is an outstanding scientist and founder of the subject of microbiology”;  “I.I. Mechnikov is the founder of the cellular theory of immunity”; "P. Ehrlich is an outstanding scientist, the founder of the humoral theory of immunity and the founder of chemotherapy”; “Three-cell system of cell cooperation is an important factor of immune defense” and others.  Thus, various types of educational activities and SIW form students with the necessary skills and analytical abilities, the ability to acquire new knowledge, and use various forms of education and information and educational technologies.


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How to Cite

Suleymanov, S. 2023. The role of students’ independent work when studying the subject of microbiology, virology and immunology. Society and Innovation. 4, 5/S (Jun. 2023), 374–378. DOI: